</div><div> *HOPE IN GOD’S WORD*</div><div>
</div><div>📜 *TEXT*: PSALM 119:49-56📜📜</div><div>49 Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.</div><div>50 This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.</div><div>51 The proud have had me greatly in derision: yet have I not declined from thy law.</div><div>52 I remembered thy judgments of old, O LORD; and have comforted myself.</div><div>53 Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.</div><div>54 Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.</div><div>55 I have remembered thy name, O LORD, in the night, and have kept thy law.</div><div>56 This I had, because I kept thy precepts.</div><div>
</div><div>🔑📖KEY VERSE:
_*”Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope” (PSALM 119:49).*_</div><div>
</div><div>German pastor Paul Gerhardt and his family were forced to flee from their home during the _Thirty Years’ War_ in the 17th Century. One night as they were lodged in a small village inn, homeless and afraid, his wife broke down and cried openly in despair. To comfort her, Gerhardt reminded her of Scripture promises about God’s provision and safety. Then going out to the garden to be alone, he too broke down and wept. He felt he had come to the darkest hour. Soon afterwards, Gerhardt felt the burden lifted and sensed the Lord’s presence, anew. Taking his pen, he wrote a hymn that has brought comfort to many:</div><div>
</div><div>_”Give to the winds thy fears;_</div><div>_Hope, and be undismayed;_</div><div>_God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;_</div><div>_God shall lift up thy head.”_</div><div>
</div><div>_”Through waves and clouds and storms,_</div><div>_He gently clears the way;_</div><div>_Wait thou His time, so shall this night,_</div><div>_Soon end in joyous day.”_</div><div>
</div><div>The psalmist, in our text, was in great affliction because the proud had him in derision. Horror took hold of him because of the wicked that had forsaken God’s law. Fortunately, the statutes of the Lord were his song in the house of his pilgrimage and he sought fulfilment of the promises of His word on which he had placed his hope.</div><div>
</div><div>Like the psalmist, people often become hopeless because of hardship, illness, lack, unanswered prayer, unemployment, fear of the unknown, marital challenges, financial crisis, unfulfilled dreams or desires, disappointment, family problems among other life challenges. Despite these challenges, it is still not good to lose hope.</div><div>
</div><div>Our hope must be rooted in the word of God and specifically, in the promises contained in His infallible word. God’s promises in the Scripture will surely be fulfilled, irrespective of prevailing circumstances. Therefore, encourage yourself in the Lord and His words.</div><div>
</div><div>✍🏽THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:</div><div>
_*The word of God has solutions to all life challenges.*_</div><div>
</div><div>📜THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:</div><div>*LEVITICUS 21-24*📜</div><div>
</div><div> *MEDITATION*</div><div>
</div><div>*Believer’s answer to challenges*</div><div>
</div><div>*1. Believer’s appeal*, v49.</div><div>How should believers make an appeal to God in times of distress?</div><div>
</div><div>*2. Biblical answer*, v50</div><div>What gives answer and succour to the believers in times of affliction?</div><div>
</div><div>*3. Blessed action*, v51.</div><div>What was the action of the psalmist when derided by his adversaries? How about you?</div><div>
</div><div>*4. Basic affection*, v53. </div><div>How can believers show their affection for God and His word?</div><div>
</div><div>*5. Biblical antidote*, v54.</div><div>Singing the word of God and His praises is a medicine for a heavy heart. Learn to take a daily dose.</div><div>
</div><div>*Question*</div><div>What is the common link between vv52, 55,56?</div><div>
</div><div>*Prayer points*</div><div>Ask the Holy Spirit to always bring God’s word to your remembrance and give you faith to stand on it always🙏</div><div>
</div><div>Ask for grace and faith to be singing when things appear helpless and hopeless🙏</div><div>
</div><div>Ask for the love of God that will make you jealous for the name of the Lord among the godless🙏</div><div>
</div><div>Ask that the word we hear and read will be mixing with faith in our hearts as a Church🙏</div><div>
</div><div>*THY WORD HAVE I HID IN MY HEART:*</div><div>
</div><div>1.Thy Word is a lamp to my feet;</div><div>A light to my path always;</div><div>To guide and to save me from sin,</div><div>And show me the heavenly way.</div><div>
</div><div>*Refrain:*</div><div>Thy Word have I hid in my heart…</div><div>That I might not sin against thee…</div><div>That I might not sin, that I might not sin,</div><div>Thy Word have I hid in my heart.</div><div>
</div><div>2.For ever o Lord is Thy Word</div><div>Established and fixed on high;</div><div>Thy faithfulness to all men</div><div>Abideth for ever nigh.</div><div>*Refrain:*</div><div>
</div><div>3.At morning, at noon, and at night</div><div>I ever will give Thee praise;</div><div>For Thou art my portion, O Lord,</div><div>And shall be though all my days!</div><div>*Refrain:*</div><div>
</div><div>4.Through Him whom Thy Word hath foretold,</div><div>The Saviour and Morning Star,</div><div>Salvation and peace have been brought</div><div>To those who have strayed afar.</div><div>*Refrain ‘*</div>
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