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SALES! SALES!! SALES!!! Massive Note Books Sales…….<div> 12 in 1, 10 in 1, 8 in 1, 5 in 1, Long Note, 80, 60, 40 Leaves Etc. </div><div> Biros and Pencils, Cleaners and Sharpener, </div><div>A4 Printing paper, Correction Fluid, Book Highlighter, Sticky Note Pad, </div><div>Stapler and Stapler Pins, </div><div>Gums and Celotape, Permanent Marker….. </div><div>
</div><div>File Jackets…… Robber Band, Calculators, Graph Book, Cleaners/ Eraser, Carbon Paper</div><div>Message 0817 934 5998</div><div>
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