Posted by David on 11 August 2022 at 10:24 am

    What is the purpose of human life spiritually?

    You are a spirit being trapped in a physical body.

    All your life, you are actually living in fear of leaving your body.

    The physical is only a shadow of the spiritual.

    The physical has only a few finite dimensions. The spiritual has infinite dimensions.

    You are in an eternal journey to find yourself, with no spiritual destination. Only stages of the journey.

    Knowing why you’re here can give you more insight about where you’re going.

    The closer you are to nature, the more the harmony, therefore the more the longevity.

    There’s no known remedy against aging, and so there’s no known remedy against death.

    Nature is anxiously waiting for your physical body to decompose so that it can complete its cycle. The idea is to delay the process for as long as possible.

    Everything you see in the physical started in the spiritual.

    The spiritual world is invisible. That doesn’t mean that it’s inactive. In fact it’s more active than the physical world.

    The spiritual journey runs parallel to the physical world. The more the harmony between the physical and the spiritual, the more you’re at peace with yourself.

    Physical pain is the result of turmoil within the body, soul and spirit.

    The spirit gives life to the body. If the spirit is healthy, the body will be healthy. If the spirit is sick the body will be sick.

    The spirit knows what’s going to happen in the physical before it happens. Whether you call it intuition or telepathy, you may be right. The point is that the spirit is a completely different person.

    The spirit can travel infinitely outside your body with no limitation to physical distance, space, or time, and then return to the body. If it doesn’t return, then you’re dead.

    Understanding your spiritual dimension is the highest level of knowledge.

    Sex is more of a spiritual act than it is physical. When two persons have sexual intercourse, their spirits actually join to become one.

    Sexual intercourse is not just a recreational activity. It is the transfer of life from one human to another. When this is done wrongly, the resulting life may come out deformed.

    The entire earth is suffering mainly because humanity has neglected it’s spiritual responsibilities and moral obligations.

    Prayer and meditation remain the best ways to strengthen your spirit and build a strong bond with your Maker. Strengthen your spirit and your body and mind will strengthen. Fail to do this and your body and mind recedes gradually.

    Starting a spiritual journey can be the most refreshing, enlightening, rewarding, and fulfilling endeavor of your lifeWhat is the purpose of human life spiritually?
    You are a spirit being trapped in a physical body.
    All your life, you are actually living in fear of leaving your body.
    The physical is only a shadow of the spiritual.
    The physical has only a few finite dimensions. The spiritual has infinite dimensions.
    You are in an eternal journey to find yourself, with no spiritual destination. Only stages of the journey.
    Knowing why you’re here can give you more insight about where you’re going.
    The closer you are to nature, the more the harmony, therefore the more the longevity.
    There’s no known remedy against aging, and so there’s no known remedy against death.
    Nature is anxiously waiting for your physical body to decompose so that it can complete its cycle. The idea is to delay the process for as long as possible.
    Everything you see in the physical started in the spiritual.
    The spiritual world is invisible. That doesn’t mean that it’s inactive. In fact it’s more active than the physical world.
    The spiritual journey runs parallel to the physical world. The more the harmony between the physical and the spiritual, the more you’re at peace with yourself.
    Physical pain is the result of turmoil within the body, soul and spirit.
    The spirit gives life to the body. If the spirit is healthy, the body will be healthy. If the spirit is sick the body will be sick.
    The spirit knows what’s going to happen in the physical before it happens. Whether you call it intuition or telepathy, you may be right. The point is that the spirit is a completely different person.
    The spirit can travel infinitely outside your body with no limitation to physical distance, space, or time, and then return to the body. If it doesn’t return, then you’re dead.
    Understanding your spiritual dimension is the highest level of knowledge.
    Sex is more of a spiritual act than it is physical. When two persons have sexual intercourse, their spirits actually join to become one.
    Sexual intercourse is not just a recreational activity. It is the transfer of life from one human to another. When this is done wrongly, the resulting life may come out deformed.
    The entire earth is suffering mainly because humanity has neglected it’s spiritual responsibilities and moral obligations.
    Prayer and meditation remain the best ways to strengthen your spirit and build a strong bond with your Maker. Strengthen your spirit and your body and mind will strengthen. Fail to do this and your body and mind recedes gradually.
    Starting a spiritual journey can be the most refreshing, enlightening, rewarding, and fulfilling endeavor of your life

    David replied 2 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • David

    11 August 2022 at 10:26 am

    Developing a relationship with God is the best way to begin to know the through purpose and path for your destiny

  • Daniel

    11 August 2022 at 12:16 pm


  • Daniel

    11 August 2022 at 12:17 pm


  • David

    11 August 2022 at 2:49 pm

    Very important

  • Daniel

    11 August 2022 at 7:55 pm


  • Esther

    15 August 2022 at 2:29 pm

    Wow really inspirational 😌

  • Chidimma

    15 August 2022 at 3:55 pm


  • David

    16 August 2022 at 12:56 pm

    This is actually supposed to change life’s tho because it helps build you spiritually

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